Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mid-Summer Prep for Fall Veggies

It's always strange for me to think about upcoming cold weather and cold weather crops when it's 100 degrees outside, but now is the time apparently.  I got my Territorial seeds catalog and they are suggesting that we start cabbage, kale, broccoli and cauliflower now.  I did, they're under the lights in the basement.  Since I also transplant my lettuce outside, I started the fall lettuce crop as well. Outside I pulled the peas and direct seeded turnips and basil.  Hopefully our bunny friend will leave them alone - she's been munching on the carrots lately...

My big mistake this year was trying to interplant basil in different areas of the garden.  Next year it will have its own section, I just don't have enough for drying and pesto.  Hopefully there's enough time in the summer for the seeds to grow into plants. 

I'm hoping that the fall crop will do better than the spring crop - I got two measly 2 inch heads of broccoli and no cauliflower. The cabbage was OK - loose heads, but enough to make a good bit of slaw.  I still have to pick and use the kale, it's doing OK as well. 

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