Thursday, July 5, 2012

Vacation during harvest season

So I'm preparing for another vacation - this time to Europe with my mom.  We leave on Saturday.  Exactly in the middle of harvest season this year.  I had it all planned...last year this would have been well before the peak harvest season.  This year, it's smack dab in the middle of it.  I even have cherry tomatoes (Peacevine) that are beginning to ripen.  And worse, it's in the 100's outside - necessitating extremely frequent watering.  Dianna will be here - and she ensures me that she will harvest, weigh the produce, and water.  I still worry.  She's good at this, but these plants, this garden, is really MY baby.  I'm the one who walks it every day, the one who constantly monitors it.  I am the garden's momma.

So today I harvested two summer ball pumpkins at one pound each, and a yellow crookneck squash that was almost 1 pound (15 oz).  Yesterday I harvested over 2 pounds of haricots verts and pickled them.  Four pints of pickled beans.  Tomorrow I'll pick more beans, and then it's up to Dianna to keep the garden going while I'm gone.

So we've got a good start on the season, now we just have to weather vacations and we're good.  I will be looking at the gardens in France and Germany for inspiration.  And I will try to blog from my iPad about what I'm learning.  Stay tuned!

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