Monday, February 27, 2012

Back from vacation & spring planting

Yesterday I got back from vacation in Florida visiting my daughter, granddaughter and mom.  Wow how great to get away to a warm climate and see what's growing in my daughter's garden! It was so much fun.

Today I had skin cancer surgery.  It's something I've been dealing with for over 20 years - growing up in Southern California and Florida as a light skinned person with Irish and German heritage.  But it will NOT keep me from growing my own veggies, spending quality time in the gardens wherever I am. In Florida it is brutal sun all year 'round, but no matter where you are, the sun is strong when you are in the garden.  That's why I wear a large brimmed hat.  You should too.  Seriously.  And sun screen.  And see a dermatologist.  But whatever happens, don't let it stop you from being outside, in the garden, growing your own food.  That is what life is all about - being connected to the earth and keeping us all healthy and happy.

So today, after the surgery, I came home and started getting ready to go back into the garden.  In zone 5 it's time to start seeds indoors for kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage.  That's what I did.  This is my planting table ready to start seeds.

I bought popsicle  sticks to write the name of the plants on - way cheaper than those plastic things you get from Home Depot!  Find them in a craft store and you can get 500 for less than $5.00.  Thanks to my garden plan (see previous post) I know how many of each kind of plant I will need, though I plant a couple extra of each just in case.  Here they are under the lights - the first spring plants!

OK, so you can't really see them - but they're there, on the left light stand, really. So it's time to start planning for spring my friends in cold climates!  And don't forget to wear your hat and sunscreen when you're in the garden!

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