Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stopping and listening

Today as I was leaving work I was struck by what I consider one of the most beautiful sights and sounds of winter.  I was a bit rushed, and on my way to my car, when, overhead, I heard the geese.  There were at least a hundred, flying and calling to each other.  The voices of the geese as they call back and forth to one another is haunting, and when you look up and see the ribbons of graceful birds against the clouds it is breathtaking.  It touches some primordial place in my brain every time I hear and see them in such majestic numbers - and no matter how much of a rush I'm in...I stop.  And listen.  And smile.

1 comment:

  1. On my journey to see my family, I stood awaiting the train and could hear their calls. It was a beautiful sunny day, with some wind, and they passed by, what was a perfect moment in time. Thank you for reminding me to stop and listen. :)
