Friday, April 6, 2012

Mother Earth expels our trash

One thing that I've noticed since creating vegetable garden spaces is that the ground is constantly serving up some new piece of trash, deposited years ago, but only now coming to the surface.  I see it as Mother Earth gradually getting rid of all the yucky non-organic things that we humans have tried to bury within her.  When I get my stitches during skin cancer surgeries this sometimes happens - an internal stitch will be pushed up and exposed, as if my body is saying - "no, I don't like this in me."  Mother earth is doing the same with our trash.  Good for her.  Here's my evidence:

Now, I walk my garden every day - literally every day (unless it's raining hard), so I can pull weeds before they take over, replant any plants that the squirrels dig up, etc.  And I have loosened the soil many times using the broadfork, smoothing the soil with a rake, and my hands.  I've planted for multiple seasons (always by hand).  Still, every other day or so I look down and there's some piece of glass, or an unidentifiable object of some sort, laying on the top of the ground.  It wasn't there yesterday or the day before, but today it's sitting right on top of the ground.  It is clearly mother earth expelling trash she doesn't want buried inside of her.  Working it up to the surface so I can find it and take it away.  Truly amazing.  But I throw it in the trash - which goes into a landfill.  It's just being buried back into mother earth somewhere else.  Disturbing.

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