Friday, May 18, 2012

Bean plants coming up

The bean plants are coming up now.  I know that 252 plants of bush beans seem daunting to many, but this is what ensures we will have enough for winter.  I'm happy they're already coming up, and of course not all of them will make it, but they will provide for us summer through winter into the spring. I just pick beans every day once they start producing, and what we don't eat fresh I blanch for 2 minutes and freeze.  It takes all of 10 minutes.  I think haricots verts are the staple of self-sufficient vegetable growing.

 I find myself counting the bags of beans we have left in the freezer, crossing my fingers that we will have enough until the spring veggies come into their own - and we will.  The second year of self-sufficiency in veggies.  And in the meantime I'm dreaming of eating them fresh, cooking them on the summer grill, and freezing more for next winter's bounty.

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