Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pickled radishes

Last evening I came home and for the first time realized that we had more radishes than we could eat.  It was almost 7pm, and we still wanted to grill dinner, but I knew I wanted to harvest the radishes and pickle them.  So after dinner that's what I did.  I figured I had enough for two 8oz jars.  After cleaning and cutting off the tops I had 11oz of radishes.

I used 3 cups white vinegar, 1 cup water and 1/4 cup salt.  Brought that to a boil and then put fresh dill and garlic in the processed jars, then packed them with the sliced radishes.  I ladled the boiling water, vinegar and salt liquid into the jars, left 1/2 inch head space, and processed for 10 minutes.  I don't know how they will taste, but they look beautiful:

The second jar sealed, with that wonderful *pop*, during The Colbert Report.  Working full time and making sure we're self-sufficient does make for a long day, but it's so worth it.  I know it's only 2 jars, and it's not even officially spring yet, but I'm excited to have started storing the harvest for winter.  There's something special about putting food up that I can't quite describe.

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