Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day Melon Garden

Mother's day weekend involved creating a new garden - for melons.  Haogen, Minnesota Midget, and Blenheim.  We had two friends over to help us dig the grass out from around our cherry tree.  It only took an hour for the four of us, and we had a new garden area with 5 melon plants.

The cherry tree is in the front yard, far away from the squash in the back.  I've read that melons and squash can interpollinate and make the melons taste more like squash, so I wanted to make sure they weren't planted close to each other.  This might be a bit overkill, but it was a place that we could enlarge and still have it look like intentional landscaping.  It's the first year for melons, and they are so small despite starting them in the basement, that I don't know how this will work, but I have my fingers crossed. 

1 comment:

  1. I wish you could see my surprise melon (from seed scatter) it is taking over the whole dang area!!!
