Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A week off

So I took the last week off - everything!  I just needed a break.  A week off work, a week off blogging...the only thing that didn't stop was the gardening.  We mostly worked on the flower garden though.  We now have additional dianthus, a lupine, two new rose bushes and various other plants and alterations in the front and back beds.

Some changes to the fruit garden include moving one blueberry that wasn't doing great (my daughter tells me I need to plant them in pine bark, not with pine bark, but in pine bark, with little to no soil).  I didn't do that - just moved it - so we'll see how that goes.  It looks pretty happy so far.  We also moved the blackberry and watched as the squirrels devastated our bounty of peaches.  We had over 20 peaches on the tree and 3 are left.  Oh well.  Two bunnies have also invaded our yard, tiny cute ones.  One night as we watched the bunnies bounce about, the hummingbird and other birds flitting around, and a butterfly landing between us, Dianna exclaimed "I feel like I'm in a Disney movie!"  :-)  It was awesome.

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