Saturday, May 5, 2012

The garden is in!

Today was all about the garden, and getting everything planted.  A solid day of planting, but it's all in - including the extremely small peppers.  I decided to plant them despite their size because I could "fence" them in with bird netting and keep the squirrels and chipmunks from trampling on them, and they could get a chance to grow in the warmer air.  We did a great job - with time for pizza on the grill!

We planted 12 peppers and 8 eggplants:

8 celery, scattered amongst the self-seeded dill that took up my originally planned pepper location:

19 tomatoes, most in the garden:

But some in pots:

8 summer squash plants, 4 winter squash plants, and 2 tomatillos in the new squash garden:

Also, 28 square feet of haricots verts - 9 plants per square foot, and finally interspersed around the garden - 13 basil plants and 10 nasturtiums.  I'm hoping this will be a very good year.

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