Monday, June 4, 2012

Late spring evening

So tonight I got home late from work - it was 7 pm.  I took a walk, and then, as usual, toured around the garden.  I weeded a bit, whatever I saw and could easily reach, and harvested a few strawberries and peas.  I noticed that my currants are being eaten.  Friday they were thick, this weekend a bit less so, and today I knew they were definitely being devoured by something.  So I took a few minutes and put bird netting around the currant bush. 

Then I sat down in the twilight on the porch with a glass of wine.

The hummingbird came to the window feeder again, and a robin was rooting around in our garage gutter looking for the last of the day's meals.  Mamma sparrow swooped down to the birdhouse to tuck her babies in.  The squirrels and rabbits and chipmunks were already in their dens, but I was looking up - waiting for Sammy the bat to start his/her swooping into the garden for mosquitoes.  This is late spring life at Connected Roots Garden, and I'm so glad I come home to that.

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