Friday, March 2, 2012

Confused garlic

I worked from home today, which meant that I had time to feed the birds this morning.  I have 9 bird feeders so it takes a while, and usually during the week I do this after I get home when it's pretty dark.  Considering that and the fact that I was on vacation all last week, I really haven't been in the garden during the daylight much in the last couple of weeks.  As I was out in the back I saw that the daylilies had started coming up.  Ah oh.  Immediately I went over to look at the part of the garden where I planted the garlic.  Sure enough.  The garlic was up.  Brown tops from where it froze.  And this evening - more snow.  Poor, confused garlic.  I wonder how my harvest will go this year.  For the last two years I have grown enough garlic to get us through the entire year.  I don't know about this next year.  I planted 48 cloves - more than enough if the weather was normal.  The question is, will they do OK with all this fluctuation in temperature.  They are just coming up way too early.

In fact, it's been so warm that the garlic in the basement is already starting to grow.  It's early for that too.  I'll probably have to chop and freeze the garlic so I can keep it.  Look at how it's growing!

But not the hanging garlic as much:


  1. everything has been out of whack, my lemon tree grew back its new leaves to quick and now its stunnted :(

  2. I have always wanted to grow garlic, we plant it down here in the fall. Sorry to hear about your lemon tree Brittany. I received 4 myrtles from the arbor society in November and was advised to plant them right away while they were dormant. It was a warm January and they started to sprout, but we got a freeze and all but one died.
