Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Peach blossoms

Because of the super early spring, out peach tree is blooming!  It's so beautiful.

Last year we got 15 peaches from this little tree.  This year hopefully more, but it won't be a ton, the tree is still too little.  I read that they are very brittle and thus you have to thin the peaches quite a bit.  But eventually I want to be self-sufficient in fruit just like we're self-sufficient in veggies. 

We have 3 blueberry bushes, 1 currant bush, a cherry tree, this peach tree, a raspberry stand and a blackberry stand.  We also have a bed of strawberries which I protect with bird netting so the chipmunks don't eat them all.  This year we want to add a plum tree, another cherry and at least one apple (it can cross-pollinate with our neighbor's apple tree). 


  1. Peach trees are gorgeous, the most beautiful blooms. Kudos to you for trying to become self sufficient with food.

    I find it funny that you have to worry about chipmunks, we do not have any down here.

  2. I know - and they're sooooo cute, but voracious!
