Sunday, March 25, 2012

Eggplant sprouts & cabbage

Today will be a very busy day.  Despite the fact that the weather report says we'll be in the upper 30's tonight and tomorrow night I've decided to plant the kale and cabbage.  They're too big for the starter cells, I don't want them to become root-bound, and it's not worth it to plant them into larger containers when I would just plant them outside next weekend anyway.

Then, I need to get the eggplant sprouts into starter cells.  One of my neighbors said she was told that eggplant is difficult to start, so she puts them in wet paper towels in a baggie in a warm spot.  I put them on top of our refrigerator.  That was 3 weeks ago.  Here's what they look like now:

Definitely ready to be put into soil.

I'll upload pictures of the kale and cabbage in the ground later today, along with some pictures of the sprouting peas.

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