Sunday, March 25, 2012

Plants in the garden

The temperature is dropping fast, but the cold weather plants should be ok.  At least I hope they will be.  I planted not only the kale and cabbage, but also the broccoli and cauliflower as well.  Here they are with the thinings (we used those for lunch) and the garden plan.

Here they are in the garden:

Cold weather crops are going into the garden behind the garage, where it's a bit more shady.  Two different locations within that garden house the cabbage, kale, cauliflower and broccoli.

I love the square foot measuring tool Dianna made for me.  Wooden yardsticks from Home Depot.  A 3X3 with a 3X1 extension.  It really helps me figure out how to place my plants..

And here are the peas and radishes:


  1. Very neat! I like the measuring tool.

  2. It took about 20 minutes and $4.00 to make - small bag of small nuts bolts, 8 washers, cheapest yard sticks you can find...drill at the foot and two foot marks, then just fasten them together with the nuts and bolts - and washers to distribute the tension...that's it! You have a square foot gardening tool.
