Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dandelions in salad

We do not use any kind of pesticide or herbicide (or chemical fertilizer) in our gardens or on our lawn.  Until you look close no one can tell, the lawn is green, it's just not all grass.  But that is a benefit in more ways than one - no cost for weed and feed on the lawn, and you save money by having additional greens for your salad.  Yes - we eat dandelion greens, and we don't pay gourmet prices for them because we harvest them from our own lawn.  (I've actually seen them sold in high end grocery stores...people pay for dandelion greens, really???!!!!)

Many chefs are using dandelion greens in their salads as if they're some outrageously rare commodity.  We all have them in our gardens, let's use them!  Every spring I go out and pick dandelion greens to add to our salads.  They seem to get more bitter in summer when they start to try to bloom, but they're great right now.  It's a wonderful way to add foraged food to your home grown food.

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