Sunday, March 4, 2012

More seeds started

24 Basil (Thai, Emily, Genovese & Lettuce Leaf)
8 Celery (Tango & Self-Blanching)
8 Parsley (Flat Leaf & Plain)
6 Cilantro (All Slow Bolt)

I realize that I have to plant more though - I have space in the garden for 16 celery plants (4 square feet with 4 plants per square foot), and obviously I will need more cilantro.  The good thing about cilantro though is that it self seeds and comes back every year, so I am just planting these as supplemental cilantro to the plants I know will grow in the herb garden by themselves.

The plants from Monday are already coming up - Thai Sai, Bak Choi, Early Jersey Wakefield, Kale, and three types of broccoli are up (Nutri-Bud, Calibrese, & Purple).  The cauliflower isn't up yet and neither is the DiCicco broccoli.

And today I also started saving my coffee grounds again.  I had almost no snails in the garden last year after I started spreading the coffee grounds around the lettuce and cucumbers!


  1. I use coffee grounds in my garden as well! What zone are you located in? It is always fascinating to read about what is grown in other zones.

  2. I'm in zone 5. Coffee grounds work great! It sounds like you may be in the southern zones - maybe FL like my daughter Brittany? I can't believe how the weather this winter is influencing my decisions about when to plant - I'm taking the risk of planting way too soon!

  3. Hi, My name is Paul, I want to learn more about vegetable gardening, but with a "hands on" approach. I live in Orland Park in a 2 bedroom condo with no land to grow a garden. Was wondering if I could share and learn about gardening. In trade I could help out with gardening chores and could offer half of my heirloom seeds, this is what I have:
    Seeds Quanity
    Beans-Kentucky Wonder 100
    Beets-Red Detroit 500
    Broccoli-Waltham 1000
    Brussels Sprouts 1000
    Cabbage 500
    Cantaloupe-Hearts of Gold 100
    Carrot-Chantey Red 500
    Carrot-Little Finger 500
    Carrot-Parisian Market 500
    Carrot-Scarlet Nantes 500
    Cauliflower-Snowball 1000
    Celery-Utah 2000
    Corn 100
    Corn-Stowell's Evergreen 100
    Cucumber-Marketmore 100
    Eggplant-Black Beauty 200
    Greens-Mesclun Mix 500
    Kale-Lacinato 200
    Leeks-Large American 100
    Lettuce 500
    Lettuce-Black Seeded 500
    Lettuce-Salad Mix 500
    Lima Beans-Henderson Baby 100
    Melon-Honeydew 100
    Okra-Clemson Spineless 100
    Onion-Red Burgundy 200
    Onion-Spanish 200
    Pea-Green Arrow 100
    Pepper-Anaheim 200
    Pepper-Cayenne Long 200
    Pumpkin-Sugar Pie 50
    Radicchio 200
    Radish 500
    Spinach-Bloomsdale 200
    Squash-Crookneck 100
    Squash-Table Queen 100
    Tomato-Beefsteak 500
    Tomato-Italian Market 200
    Tomato-Large Cherry 200
    Tomato-Rio Grande 200
    Turnip 1000
    Watermelon-Suger Baby 100
    Zucchini-Italian Stripe 100
    Herb-Garlic Chives 1 pinch

  4. Hi Paul, I would love to help out with a hands-on approach to learning about veggie gardening. You have a ton of seeds for someone with no space to garden - you must have lots of dreams! I don't need seeds, I just want to help people grow food for themselves, so let me know how much space you have, or how many pots you have, and how much sun you get and I'll try to help as much as I can.
